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How Age Impacts Stem Cell Concentration

Allografts for beauty and antiaging

How Age Impacts Stem Cell Concentration

Every person, regardless of health, loses stem cells over the course of their life. At birth, 1 in 10,000 of our body’s cells are allograft stem cells. By age 16-18, only 1 in 100,000 cells are allograft stem cells. By age 50, 1 in 400,000. Between age 70-80, only 1 in 2,000,000 cells are stem cells. These numbers could be even worse when you factor in circumstances such as the current health of the individual.

This means that your ability to use your own allograft stem cells effectively in treating yourself decreases with age. The allograft stem cells you will get from a younger donor will be much more concentrated than those you can get from yourself in virtually all cases. The fact that they come from an outside donor does not impact their effectiveness so long as they are the right kind of allograft stem cells, containing mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as described on our FAQ page, as they have the ability to differentiate into different cell types. For this reason, your body does not ‘reject’ allograft stem cells like a body might rejecting an organ transplant if it doesn’t match perfectly.

In an article released in the last few years by the World Journal of Experimental Medicine, researchers on the subject concluded that “we grow old partly because our allograft stem cells grow old with us.” They went a bit further and stated that “With the sharp rise in the aging-associated diseases, the need for effective regenerative medicine strategies for the aged is more important than ever. Fortunately, rapid advances in stem cell and regenerative medicine technologies continue to provide us with a better understanding of the diseases that allows us to develop more effective therapies and diagnostic technologies to better treat aged patients.”

We’re Here to Help

Stem Cells LA offers helpful information to interested patients about stem cell treatments for arthritis, neuropathy, orthopedic disease, anti-aging, and more. Additionally, the restorative properties of stem cell treatments may help reduce healing time for other procedures.

At Stem Cells LA, we’re happy to provide informational services. It’s important to look into the patient experience. Your safety, privacy, and well-being are of the utmost importance to us. Remember, we’re here for you!

Above all, only a qualified doctor can help you decide if stem cell therapy is right for you. We may be able to help set you up with a trusted regenerative medicine specialist. To book a consultation, call us today.

Stem Cells LA
(310) 281-6160
1970 S. Prospect Ave., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information – World Journal of Experimental Medicine
