Stem Cells Los Angeles


Have You Tried Stem Cell Therapy for Thumb Injuries?

If you have ever experienced the frustration of having a doctor, tell you “Oh, just take ibuprofen every single day of your life for that,” then you know you have pretty much exhausted all of your options for your particular injury. Injuries on your hand and particularly your thumb, one of the joints we use the most, can sometimes be devastating. Stem cell therapy for thumb injuries very well could be a better solution than taking ibuprofen up until the day all those pills give birth to an ulcer inside of you. Stem cell therapy for thumb injuries can even be a much better option than surgery, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Having the right and proper use of opposable thumbs has done the human race a lot of favors. The fact that human thumbs are longer than say a primate, means that we can easily touch the other fingers with them, allowing us to firmly grasp and manipulate objects of many different shapes. This fine control of our thumb allows us to do many things other animals simply can’t. Throwing a baseball. Using silverware. Expressing our opinion when we’re suddenly cut off in heavy traffic. Thumbs are a big part of our lives.

If you are experiencing pain every time you use your thumb, then you are in pain quite often. Our thumbs are one of the most used appendages on the human body. Therefore, it’s no surprise that thumb injuries hamper our daily lives. The more severe, the greater the effects. Injuries to the thumb can be minor cuts and sprains or they can be more serious like torn ligaments and fractures, or in a worst-case scenario, osteoarthritis of the thumb.

Understanding Stem Cell Therapy for Thumb Injuries

The two major stem cells used in the treatment of injuries are adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells are considered multipotent stem cells, meaning that the cells have the ability to develop into red or white blood cells or even platelets as the needs may be. Embryonic stem cells are considered pluripotent, meaning they can give rise to every cell type in the fully formed body.

Both adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells are what are called Mesenchymal stem cells. In other words, both types of stem cells have the ability to self-renew and also exhibit multilineage differentiation. According to the National Library of Medicine, this means that the stem cells may act as the body’s own repair kit. In other words, they may accelerate the body’s natural healing process and even repair tissue that would otherwise remain damaged permanently.

Controversy About Stem Cells?

There is a great deal of controversy regarding the ethical use of stem cells. Using Adult stem cells is easy, as those cells can be harvested from the adult that is getting the treatment done. However, research has shown that adult stem cells may not be as versatile as embryonic stem cells. Also, adult stem cells are more likely to contain abnormalities like toxins and errors that have occurred during replication.

There is current research showing that adult stem cells do have great ability and are more adaptable than originally considered. Since embryonic stems cells must be obtained from early stage embryos, the National Institutes of Health created a number of guidelines for researchers to follow so that embryonic stem cells can use studied and used in an ethical manner. These guidelines also include ways that embryonic stem cells can be donated to science.

Sometimes the results of an experiment and the promise of all the good things that could come of the research can cloud a researcher’s ethical judgment. There is good clean science that shows that stem cell therapy can promote the repair response of diseased, dysfunctional, or injured tissues, so says the Mayo Clinic.

Thumb Injuries, Osteoarthritis and Thumb Surgery

With all of the many different thumb injuries out there, there are many different treatments. Stem cell therapy for thumb injuries is generally considered the final step worth looking into before resorting to surgery. Frequently, treatment for a sprained thumb involves anti-inflammatory medication, ice, and time. Even for chronic thumb injuries you can go and get a cortisone shot and you should be ok, for a while, if you like giant needles going into your hand that is. Sometimes the pain of a chronic thumb injury is enough to drive people to a thumb fusion surgery. While this operation will relieve the pain, it will also render the thumb completely useless.

Osteoarthritis is one of the worst and most painful chronic conditions that can affect the thumb. Generally, this occurs when the trapezium bone, located near the wrist and first bone of the thumb, begins to degenerate. However, trapezium bone replacement surgery has a very high failure rate. This is due to aseptic loosing, post-surgery dislocation, and persisting pain. Additionally, even when the total joint replacement surgery is a success, surgeons found that even though the surgery restored some thumb function, it did not fully replicate the movements of a healthy thumb.

Often, when undergoing surgery on the thumb for Osteoarthritis, patients come out of the surgery with the same limited range of motion and functionality as they had prior to the procedure. If there is some pain relief, patients will still be just as limited when it comes to the things that they can do with their hand and thumb as they were prior to the surgery.

Stem Cell Therapy & PRP Research

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is a process where a small amount of your blood is collected, and sent through a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the red blood cells. Then, these processed platelets are injected into the area in need of healing and regeneration. Platelets are basically the body’s medic cell. A concentration of platelets right at the location of an injury speeds the body’s ability to naturally repair tissue.

A 2021 study in the journal Cartilage, looks at the difference between cortisone injections and PRP injections. The study concluded that when used on patients with knee Osteoarthritis, the individuals who got the PRP treatments as opposed to cortisone shots showed significantly better results in terms of pain relief and knee functionality. While the 2021 study did not look at Osteoarthritis in the thumb, there was a 2016 study from the University Medical Center Regensburg in Germany that did. The conclusion from this study states “PRP injection for symptomatic trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis is a reasonable therapeutic option in early stages.”

According to research in the journal Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, PRP therapy combined with stem cell therapy for thumb injuries can demonstrate the same positive results as documented in the large joints such as knees and hips. After multiple treatments patients experienced an immediate benefit after injection in performing everyday activities with less difficulty. The PRP treatment combined with stem cell treatments by far overshadowed all other treatments in their success.

Try Stem Cell Therapy for Thumb Injuries at Stem Cells LA

Stem Cells LA helps patients finding stem cell procedures for those who need them. Chances are you’re interested in at least speaking with someone about stem cell therapy for thumb injuries. And if you’re reading this article, you’ve come to the right place. So contact us and see how we can help. We’re happy to connect you with an ethical stem cell provider to get the relief that you need.

If you’ve exhausted all your options for treatment, and the prospects of surgery don’t look appealing, contact us today. We’ll help you find out more about stem cell therapy for thumb injuries today.


Stem Cells LA offers helpful information about stem cell treatments for arthritis, neuropathy, orthopedic disease, anti-aging, and more. Additionally, the restorative properties of stem cell treatments may help reduce healing time for other procedures.

At Stem Cells LA, we’re happy to provide informational services and connect you with a cell therapy provider. They’ll help you determine if stem cell therapy is right for you and your unique situation.

It’s important to look into the patient experience. Your safety, privacy, and well-being are of the utmost importance to us. Remember, we’re here for you! Above all, only a qualified doctor can help you decide if stem cell therapy is right for you. We may be able to help set you up with a trusted regenerative medicine specialist. To book a consultation, call us today.

Stem Cells LA
(310) 281-6160
1970 S. Prospect Ave., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Stem Cells LA

We are about revolutionizing healthcare & dedicated to providing new, innovative stem cell therapies.

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    © 2023 Stem Cells LA & 21st Century Management, Inc.
    Allograft Stem Cell Therapy is not an FDA-approved procedure. Like all medical procedures, procedures performed at Stem Cells LA have a success and failure rate. Patient reviews and testimonials on this site should not be interpreted as a statement on the effectiveness of our treatments for anyone else. Stem cell therapy like any other type of medical procedure has no guarantees and is not promoted as a treatment or cure. An evaluation from the medical team is required to determine if you are a candidate for stem cell therapy and any personal information provided is for internal and medical use only

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